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 SMS Commands in Gingly 
Register in Gingly?

REGISTER - SMS signup for GinGly
Format:     sms <Your Name> to 9566295662
Example:  DEEPAK to 9566295662

Upload / Store SMS

To Upload - Forward your SMS
Format:       Forward your Business Card to 9566295662
Example:    Open your contacts & Send as business

                      card to 9566295662 - George : 9840098400

Upload Contacts/ Send Business Card

To Upload - Forward your Contacts
Format:       Forward your SMS to 9566295662
Example:    Your 03-Mar-10 bill is due on 21-Mar-10. 

                     Kindly pa...... , send to 9566295662

Public SMS

PUB Forward your sms - Your message will be list on public homepage
Format:      PUB YOUR MESSAGE to 9566295662
Example:    PUB Discount Sale at selected Sony....

Search your Message

SEARCH - Search your Messages and get msg list with msg id from GinGly
Format:      SEARCH  LAPTOP / *OFFER / SEARCH *ICICI* / SEARCH SAMSUNG* to 9566295662

Example:    SEARCH LAPTOP - Search and list the messages containing laptop allover the stored inbox

SEARCH *OFFER - Search and list the messages containing offer @ begining of messages

SEARCH *ICICI* - Search and list the messages containing icici @ mid on messages

SEARCH SAMSUNG* - Search and list the messages containing samsung @ end of messages

Download / Backup Messages

DOWNLOAD - Backup your message from GinGly to your mobile
Format:      DOWNLOAD MSG_ID  to 9566295662

Example:   DOWNLOAD 256 - Downloads the message no 256 to your registered phone

Search your Contacts

CSEARCH - Search your Contacts and get msg list with contact id from GinGly
Format:   CSEARCH AJAY / *DIN / SEARCH *KUMAR* / SEARCH KAR*  to 9566295662

Example:    CSEARCH AJAY - Search and list the contacts containing ajay allover the stored contacts

Search and list the contacts containing din @ beginning of contacts

Search and list the contacts containing kumar @ mid on contacts

Search and list the contacts containing kar @ end of contacts

Download / Backup Contacts

CDOWNLOAD - Backup your contact from GinGly
Format:   CDOWNLOAD CONTACT_ID  to 9566295662

Example:    CDOWNLOAD 10 -  Downloads the contact no 10 to your registered phone


Format:   YAP  < Your msg>  and send to 9566295662.
Example: YAP am in meeting @ office to 9566295662

Following / Followers of Friends

Check Members Page and get the user id from your friends profile


Format:   Follow <Friends msg id> and send to 9566295662.
Example: Follow 9 to 9566295662

Invite Friends

Inviting your Friend to GinGly. He/She will be listed under your Network of Friends With separate account.

Format:    Invite <Friend's No.> and send to 9566295662.
Example: Invite 9840012345  to 9566295662


Adds your Friend to GinGly without his/her approval under your Network of Friends With separate account.

Format:    Add <Friend's No.> and send to 9566295662.
Example:  Add 9840012345  to 9566295662

Group Commands - Create a Group

Create and Manage your own groups in Gingly

Format:    CREATE <groupname> <group code>
Example:  CREATE Chennai Che to 9566295662

where Chennai - Name of the Group & CHE is the Group Code used to identify the group

Kindly create your own groupname with group code. Group name must contain alphabets. And Kindly avoid spaces in between.

Invite Members to Group

Format:      INVITE <groupcode> <mobile no>
Example:   INVITE che 9840498404 to 9566295662

for more about Groups >>

Group Commands - Join Group

Format:    JOIN   <groupcode >
Example: JOIN India to 9566295662

for more about Groups >>

Sending Message to Groups

@ groupcode <your_message>

Post/Compose a new message to your / joined group

Format:    @CHE  < Your SMS message >

Example:  @CHE I have joined chennai Group, this is

                    Sachin !to 9566295662

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